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[box] On Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at the Amphitheater of the City Hall of Peristeri (Dimokratias Square) at 5 pm there will be a screening of the documentary film “Life For Sale” by journalist G. Avgeropoulos, a film on the negative experience of the privatization of water in other countries. The film will be introduced by the journalist himself. After the screening representatives of the employees of EYDAP and others from the citizens’ initiative for the non – privatization of water in Greece «SAVEGREEKWATER» will inform attendees about the problems that will be caused by the imminent privatization of EYDAP and EYATH, or those that emerged after the relevant privatizations in France, Germany, Canada, etc., The event is being organized by a Committee of citizens, organizations and the employees’ club of Peristeri Municipality [/box]