“No to water privatization” Event at Plato Academy coffee shop

“No to water privatization” Event at Plato Academy coffee shop

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‘No to the privatization of water’

In “Plato’s Academy CAFE

An event – discussion on the impending privatization of water will take place on Wednesday 27/3 at 18:30 at “Cafe Plato’s Academy”, Monastirou 140 & Tilefanous, Plato’s Academy, Athens.

During the event the documentary “FLOW For Love of Water” which describes the destructive practices of multinational water companies will be projected. The award-winner documentary film by Irena Salina Flow-For Love of Water explores what experts consider to be the most important political and environmental issue of the 21st century. The global water crisis. Salina’s research focus on politics, pollution, human rights, the sudden appearance of various water management companies and their ethics, as well as the citizens struggle against privatization.

Before projection

Members of SAVEGREEKWATER – the  initiative for the non-privatization of water in Greece – and  representatives of EYDAP employees will inform the audience about the immediate threat of water privatization, as part of the memorandum, first in Thessaloniki (EYATH) and then in Athens, mentioning some recent & impressive developments concerning the French President’s visit in Athens and the actions they undertake in order to neutralize this threat.

After the screening of the film, an open discussion on the subject will follow


Plato’s Academy CAFE


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Initiative for the non privatization of water in Greece


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