Thessaloniki Municipality votes for referendum against water privatization

Thessaloniki Municipality votes for referendum against water privatization

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[box] A Referendum against the privatization was unanimously decided  by the municipality of Thessaloniki at the same day of the deadline  for expressions of interest for the sale of EVATH.Thessalonians answered in the most democratic way to authoritarian decisions of the European economic elite and their willing collaborators of greek interests , that plunder  the corpse of the devasteted Greek society and have now decided to get their hands on the monopoly of water, one with certain profits and abundant state subsidies.[/box]

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Republication from Egnatia Translation SAVEGREEKWATER

The Thessaloniki Municipal Council unanimously accepted a proposition put forth by its chairman Panagiotis Avramopoulos, namely that the issue of EYATh being sold to private institutions be referred to a public plebiscite. Mr. Avramopoulos said he is absolutely certain that the vast majority of Thessaloniki citizens will decide against the privatization and thus the government in Athens will have to face the consequences of its decision.

The meeting opened with a speech by Socrates Famellos (Major of Therme and representative of the local citizen initiative SOS-for-water) whose proposition was for a citizen controlled institution, supported by the local municipalities, to take over local water management. He also insisted on supporting the campaign of the European Citizens’ Initiative for bringing the issue of water management to the EU Parliament.

“Water is a common good and shall belong to all of us. Its management shall be under municipal and citizen control as privatization has up to now only led to price increase, loss of work positions, decrease in the quality of services offered and environmental endangerment”, said Mayor Famellos.

Thessalonike Mayor, Giannis Boutares, once more asked that the local (state owned) water company be turned over to municipal control.

He also said that the state monopoly shall in no way become a municipal monopoly: the area municipalities (all those watered from Aliakmon and/or Aravissos) shall instead create a metropolitan institution dealing with water and hygiene and all investments related to these, while issues such as biological purification shall also be given a high priority. He finally reminded the council that in Europe the tension is towards returning water companies to public control.

George Archontopoulos, chairman of the EYATh personnel Union, supported the proposition for a citizen referendum, as did all leaders of the parties represented in the Municipality Council.


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Initiative for the non privatization of water in Greece

1 Comment

  1. António 12 years ago

    Water belongs to all.

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