Finally! Right2water hearing at the Europarliament

Finally! Right2water hearing at the Europarliament
Finally! After more that a year of signature collecting all over Europe, the time has come for the EU Commission to hear out the European Citizens Initiative “right2water“. “Right2water”, which is mainly a request from EU citizens for the EU to adopt in its legislation and enact the human right to water and sanitation, is the first historically successful ECI. We are very impatient to see what will be the Commission’s reaction and if it will respect the will of the citizens, that was expressed loudly despite the difficulties of the procedure. In Greece, the ECI was also supported among other actors by SAVEGREEKWATER, as a strategic choice against the menace of privatization of water services, decided by the government in contradiction with the remunicipalization trend that is evident throughout Europe.

News splash by the organizers

On 17 February our European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “Water is a human right!” will be the subject of a public hearing in the European Parliament. The same day we will meet with the European Commission. In line with the regulation on ECIs we will be given the opportunity to explain our demands in both sessions. The meeting with the Commission is a closed session but the hearing in the European Parliament (EP) is open to anyone who registers in advance.

The public hearing is organised by the EP Environment Committee with participation of the Committees for Petitions, the Internal Market and Development. It will start at 15.00 on Monday 17 February and last till 18.30. Please save the date! We will send out an invitation as soon as we have more details. We would welcome as many people as the room can accommodate to show massive support for “Right2water” in the EP.

The final response from the European Commission is due by 20 March, just before World Water Day and three months after we submitted 1.65 Million valid signatures in support of our demands. The Commission is required to set out what action it will take in response to our demands or justify its decision if it decides to take no further action.

We look forward to see many of you in the EP in Brussels on 17 February to support us! Check out our website for the latest news and info:

Initiative for the non privatization of water in Greece


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