Glykeria unites her voice with those of the citizens who resist the privatization of water in Greece.
The threat of privatization of the most significant of the common goods, that of water, unites more and more people in actions aiming at preventing this disastrous in terms of public interest development .
This time it is the artists who take a stand and respond to the call of SAVEGREEWATER, the initiative for the non- privatization of water in Greece , to express in public their opinion and strengthen in their own way its defense.
Glykeria as an artist, has accompanied with her songs and the sensitivity that distinguishes her our life and dreams for many years. Discreet, yet deeply politicized, she could not possibly remain indifferent to the major issue of the forthcoming privatization of water in our country and responded immediately to our call , to add her unique voice to the voices of all those who have signed either the European Citizens’ Initiative right2water or the still ongoing signature collection via avaaz of a letter which is addressed to the Government and the Troika, a letter requesting revocation of this irrational and undemocratic policy.