January 30, 2014
Finally! Right2water hearing at the Europarliament
News splash by the organizers On 17 February our European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “Water is a human right!” will...
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August 12, 2013
Rehn: It is the greek government’s decision the sale of EYDAP & EYATH
After sweltering pressures all across Europe, the European Commission declares once more, in the most unequivocal manner that...
July 2, 2013
Does it “rain elsewhere” for the Greek Government as to the victory against water privatization in Europe?
With a general and unsubstantiated cliché that “privatization is an one-way for EYATH” transmitted by the private...
February 12, 2013
1.000.000 Europeans send the right2water to EuroParliament!
Success for the ECI (European Citizens Initiative) on affordable and non-privatized access to clean water. This legislative initiative, an...
January 28, 2013
Big changes on water pricing
It is not news to those who follow developments at European level the change in pricing of all water...
December 5, 2012
EYDAP privatization: Loss of control of water resources and bonus subsidy for the buyer!
The sale of EYDAP will not only result in the loss of control of one of the principal resources...
October 17, 2012
European Water Movement: Against EU Treaty the pressure of EU Commission to privatize water services
This response lacks any documentary evidence to support this policy and there is no mention regarding the legal basis...
October 11, 2012
Bailout terms force water utility sale in Greece, Portugal
EU leaders are under fire for pressuring troubled eurozone governments to sell public water utilities as part of their...
August 6, 2012
Water resources and EU
Reading between the lines of EU legislation one can perceive the trends and with a little thought one can...