June 10, 2017
Indirectly achieving the privatization of water services in Greece
Sais decision approves, with small adjustments and revisions, a draft issued and set for public consultation in August 2016,...
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September 27, 2016
If the current bill passes the greek water services are privatised!
As expected the bill which was presented in the Parliament on Friday 23 September 2016 transfers both EYDAP and...
August 29, 2016
SGW press release on the consultation of the MoE on “cost recovery of water services for all uses”
Less than two weeks were allocated by the Ministry of Environment for interested citizens to participate not publicly but...
August 29, 2015
Leaked EU memorandum reveals renewed attempt at imposing water privatisation on Greece
The stubborn and aggressive imposition of privatisation by Troika goes against the will of Greek citizens and represents a...
September 17, 2014
Demagogues and pollsters
Actually, we had the information that in one of the questions the articulation is as such: “Do you agree...
July 16, 2014
(For those abroad who may not be aware what HRADF is: it’s an s.a. company modeled after the German...
June 13, 2014
After CoS, it is KEDE that has spoken: Water privatizations now in “coma”
Unanimously, the Board of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE) adopted and upheld the decision of Region...
June 12, 2014
CoS “listened” to the people: The first big win for water belongs to all of us
Watching closely during all this time the legal proceedings of the case of the residents and associations recourse to...
June 5, 2014
Mayors of Thessaloniki revoke the use of their networks by EYATH if privatization goes forth
Οι δήμοι της Θεσσαλονίκης παίρνουν πίσω την προίκα που είχαν δώσει στην ΕΥΑΘ στις δεκαετίες του ’70, του ’80…
May 27, 2014
D’Arras of Suez does not yield by referendum’s 98% “NO” to EYATH privatization
A reply to Diane D’ Arras’ statements on the her interview after the Thessaloniki Referendum. Four months after her...