September 27, 2016
If the current bill passes the greek water services are privatised!
As expected the bill which was presented in the Parliament on Friday 23 September 2016 transfers both EYDAP and...
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August 29, 2016
SGW press release on the consultation of the MoE on “cost recovery of water services for all uses”
Less than two weeks were allocated by the Ministry of Environment for interested citizens to participate not publicly but...
August 13, 2016
Valladolid, Spain remunicipalizes water services
Article by David Sanchez of Food and Water Europe Just one year ago we were arguing about how Spain...
July 28, 2016
Slovenian Parliament green lights inclusion of the right to water in constitution
The recommendations of a commission set up to draft the constitutional amendment were approved by 65 votes, with the...
October 31, 2015
The Free Trade agreement between the EU and Canada threatens public water management
Brussels, 30 Octobre 2015. Rights and Obligations Relating to Water The article “Rights and Obligations Relating to Water” is...
September 8, 2015
EU Citizens win one more fight in the road for water as a human right
Read the Press release of the Europarliament after the adoption of the resolution: The European Commission’s response to the...
August 29, 2015
Leaked EU memorandum reveals renewed attempt at imposing water privatisation on Greece
The stubborn and aggressive imposition of privatisation by Troika goes against the will of Greek citizens and represents a...
May 17, 2015
April 19, 2015
So TTIP won’t stop public services being run in the interests of ordinary people? Tell that to Argentina
Article by Nick Dearden, Director of Global Justice Now Another week, another victory for big business over a government...
April 19, 2015
Daegu Human Right to Water Declaration
April 17, 2015 – 9:15am From April 12-14, Korean civil society organizations hosted an Alternative Water Forum in Daegu...
March 20, 2015
23 March, protest for the right to water in Brussels
World Water Day: Water must be declared a Human Right, water out of any trade agreement! Protest for the...