September 8, 2015
EU Citizens win one more fight in the road for water as a human right
Read the Press release of the Europarliament after the adoption of the resolution: The European Commission’s response to the...
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December 13, 2014
Latest news from Europe’s water “front”
The EP report is being coordinated by Lynn Boylan, an Irish Member of the European Parliament (MEP). But the...
November 15, 2014
European Commission sued for blocking TTIP trade challenge
The Stop TTIP coalition, which consists of more than 300 civil society groups from across Europe, has filed a...
September 4, 2014
The Milano Film Festival supports SaveGreekWater campaign against water privatization !
This year, the Festival acknowledges water “as an essential resource for life on the planet” and launched a short...
July 13, 2014
June 2, 2014
May 27, 2014
D’Arras of Suez does not yield by referendum’s 98% “NO” to EYATH privatization
A reply to Diane D’ Arras’ statements on the her interview after the Thessaloniki Referendum. Four months after her...
May 23, 2014
Singer Giota Negka against water privatization
The popular singer Giota Negka has agreed to express his opposition to water privatization on camera. We thank him...
May 23, 2014
Singer Foteini Velesiotou against water privatization
The popular singer Foteini Velesiotou has agreed to express his opposition to water privatization on camera. We thank him...
May 23, 2014
Singer Kalliopi Vetta against water privatization
The popular singer Kalliopi Vetta has agreed to express his opposition to water privatization on camera. We thank him...
May 18, 2014
Right to water condemns Greek government for obstructing water referendum!
Yesterday the Greek government, through a circular by Minister of the Interior G.Michelakis, declared “illegal” the self organised water...
May 11, 2014
Composer Giannis K. Ioannou against water privatization
The composer Giannis K. Ioannou has agreed to express his opposition to water privatization on camera. We thank him...
Petition & Campaign
SAVEGREEKWATER > Petition & Campaign